Key Elements to Stay Grounded

Staying grounded in the mindset and practice of Turning Outward provides the launch pad for effective and sustained change for your own efforts and to activate others.

It can be easy to lose sight of the practice and revert to the old ways of doing things. It happens to all of us. Then, the early gains made by being Turned Outward can stall. The opportunity to get on a more equitable, just, fair, inclusive, and hopeful path becomes lost. It happens even amid the best of intentions.

There is a very simple set of actions you can take to stay grounded in being Turned Outward.

The Key Elements to Stay Grounded chart outlines these simple actions—Be Turned Outward, Be Grounded in Public Knowledge, Keep Learning and Recalibrating, and Track Ongoing Progress—and reminds us why they matter, and recommends tools to use.

The tools referenced in the chart include:

Print the chart and keep it close by when you feel the temptation to return to business as usual.