Catalyzing Communities to Shape Their Own Future
We equip communities, organizations, and individuals with the tools to bridge divides, create a culture of shared responsibility, and make community a common enterprise.
Be a catalyst for change
What We Do
For 35+ years, we have innovated breakthroughs that address society’s most pressing challenges and strengthen the civic culture of our communities. In everything we do, we seek to catalyze lasting change by equipping communities to Turn Outward.
Our Work in Communities
We’re working deeply in communities that reflect America’s fault lines to demonstrate we have the will and ability to move forward.
The New Civic Path
Addressing the fundamental challenges that hold our communities back demands an alternative to our divisive politics. We need a new civic path.
The Harwood School
The Harwood School makes our practical philosophy and approach to change available to everyone, everywhere.
Books to Get You on a Hopeful Path
Rich Harwood’s books deliver on-the-ground examples of how change happens in communities to accelerate your leadership.
The Latest from the Institute
Harwood in the News

Our Founder Rich Harwood
President & Founder | Innovator. Author. Speaker.
Rich has dedicated his career to innovating a practice and a philosophy for creating lasting change that has spread to all 50 states and 40 countries worldwide. He’s dedicated his 35+ year career to revitalizing the nation’s hardest-hit communities, transforming the world’s largest organizations, and reconnecting institutions like newsrooms and schools to their role in society.