The New Basics Webinar Series

 “The New Basics with Rich Harwood” webinar series will help you deepen and accelerate your work using our approach by providing you with real, practical ways to put our key concepts and resources into action. Whether you’re new to our work or you have been using our approach for years, this quarterly webinar series will expose you to stuff you haven’t seen before and open your eyes to new ways of doing things.  

On each highly interactive webinar, you will connect with Rich and other members of our growing national network of public innovators to learn about and discuss our key roadmaps; how these ideas have emerged from our work in communities over 35 years; and how they can help you get moving.


The key mantras are our work boiled down to its most essential components. People tell us the mantras help them move faster and stronger and use our work more effectively.

On this webinar, Rich Harwood:

  • Gives you a detailed look at each of the mantras, what they mean and where they came from

  • Shows you how to incorporate the mantras into your own work and life

  • Helps you understand how to use the mantras to build allies in your own organization and in the community, a critical step in helping you catalyze and spread change in your community


The Harwood North Star is one of our key roadmaps to guide your efforts in this work. The North Star will help you stay grounded in the practice so that you can accelerate, deepen your efforts and keep moving over time.

On this webinar, Rich Harwood:

  • Walks you through the components of the North Star, what they mean and where they came from

  • Provides you with concrete ways to use the North Star to stay true to where you need to go and to stay grounded in what’s important in this approach


The Turning Outward Practice Tracker is designed to help you assess where you currently are in applying the practice. It will help you take time to reflect on what you are learning about yourself, what changes over time and what you can do to ensure that you are staying focused on being Turned Outward.

On this webinar, Rich Harwood:

  • Gives you a detailed look at the Turning Outward Practice Tracker and its components

  • Shows you how to incorporate the Practice Tracker into your own work and life by returning to it often as you progress through your learning journey and your work.

Part 4: Personal Covenant and Personal Rejuvenation Tools

In order to be Turned Outward, it is critical to know what and who rejuvenates you. The Personal Rejuvenation Tool helps you figure out what you need to sustain yourself and the Personal Covenant helps you stay accountable to meeting your goals in community work.

On this webinar, Rich Harwood:

  • Details the Personal Covenant and Personal Rejuvenation Tools

  • Helps you understand how these tools can help you stay Turned Outward, sustain yourself and stay accountable over time