“We suffer from a crisis of belief in our country. Our central task today is to meet this historic moment in our lives and this nation by getting on a new civic path.”
- Rich Harwood
Join us in forging a new Civic path
In community after community, over and over, here’s what we heard. We all want to be seen and heard. To know our voices matter. To feel our dignity is upheld. We want to know we can make a real difference in our lives and in the lives of our communities. We want to feel a sense of belonging and connection.
So we’re doubling down. We want to create real, substantive change in our communities and this country. We’re doing it by getting on the new civic path—and we want you to come with us.
Last year, Rich took our “Enough. Time to Build.” campaign across the country, visiting communities from Florida to Michigan to California and everywhere in between. We ran our campaign in juxtaposition to the political campaigns to show a real alternative for creating change in America today. Instead of dividing people, we found ways to bring people together. nstead of demonizing people, we recognized people’s real differences. Instead of placing blame, we helped people figure out what they could agree on and how they could start moving forward.
The Latest book from Rich
In this deeply personal manifesto written while crisscrossing the country for his “Enough. Time Build.” civic campaign, Rich Harwood reveals how we can address the fundamental challenges holding us back in America today. We must become agents of hope and dedicate ourselves to forging a new civic path that grows our belief that we can move forward amid our real differences. The New Civic Path is a must-read for those who want to spark civic renewal and get our individual communities and the country moving again.
Get your copy
Be A Part of Our 2025 Plans
Here’s what you can expect to see in 2025:
▶ Events in a Community Near You - We will be back on the road this year, holding events that engage people of all political persuasions around Rich’s new book and what it means to forge a new civic path. Let us know if you want Rich to come to your community.
▶ Virtual Spaces for Connection - We’re reimagining our virtual spaces for today’s landscape. Rest assured we will offer spaces that rejuvenate and foster a sense of connection and belonging. Save the Date - our first virtual event will be March 25 at 7 pm ET!
▶ Innovative Multimedia Efforts - We will continue to innovate and strategically use existing and new communication channels to support you and your community-based efforts. We will also increasingly offer proof points from communities across the country that are breaking new ground as they get on this new civic path.
Bring Rich to your Community
The new civic path starts in our local communities. Bring Rich to your community to build momentum and a genuine sense of possibility. Secure your event with Rich today!