“I’m not running for office. But I am on a nationwide campaign to show our country a better path forward.”

- Rich Harwood

Over two-thirds of Americans are exhausted by politics and dissatisfied with our presidential candidates. Mistrust is growing, hope is flagging. It’s clear that politics today do not hold the solution to America’s challenges. But there’s a way out of the mess we’re in. 

Enough! It’s time to build together.

Community building expert Rich Harwood is on a civic campaign to show communities a real path forward beyond our nasty politics. His message of practical hope calls on each of us to reclaim the public square from divisive forces and unleash our capacity as builders.

If you want to be part of a national movement of active citizens focused on moving our communities forward, join this campaign. Together, we can turn this country around.

The most prophetic message…
Rich is a civic evangelist…
Rich reminds us certain values transcend our differences…
Couldn’t be more timely or necessary…
A beacon of hope…
The movement [we] need…

Watch and Share Our Campaign Videos

Campaign Announcement

Enough Divisive Politics. We Need a Civic Path.

It’s Time for a Civic Rally

An Entreaty to Go Together

How We Can Overcome Our Toxic Politics

The Latest from the Campaign Trail

Rich and this campaign are crisscrossing the country this year to inspire and mobilize communities. Follow along — we want you with us every step of the way.

Media Coverage

PBS NewsHour’s “America at a Crossroads” series—hosted by acclaimed journalist Judy Woodruff—aired a feature-length segment that presented our campaign’s case for why the country needs a civic path forward, not more politics. They did so through the lens of our ongoing work in Alamance County, which is just one of the iconic communities where we’re working deeply to demonstrate that in the face of real divisions, Americans have the public will and ability to make real progress on society’s fault lines.

Get Involved in the Campaign

 This campaign is designed to nourish you and support you in making a difference in your community as part of this national movement. 

This campaign’s emails and texts will nourish you with an alternative civic message, remind you it’s time to build, and give you ways to actively participate in this campaign.

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It’s time to rethink what it means to rally! Amid our nasty politics, we need a space that builds us up, not further divides us. That nourishes us, not perpetuates negativity. That rallies us around one another and the good work happening in our communities. That restores a sense of possibility and hope. So we created the Civic Rally, hosted by Rich Harwood. Come as you are and join us every other Friday at 1pm EST to be nourished and supported as we work to build our communities.

➔ Register for a Civic Rally

Spread this message of hope and engage your friends, family, and coworkers in a more productive conversation by sharing our content.

➔ Share Rich’s appearance on the Future Hindsight Podcast

The Key Mantras can catalyze and accelerate your efforts to build. They don’t require any training and you can start using them today.

➔ Download the Key Mantras

Wear your values on your sleeve with our campaign merchandise.

Bring Rich to Your Community

Use this campaign to bring people together and catalyze change in your community. Slots are filling up fast. Secure a campaign event today. View our Campaign Overview for more information.

What People are Saying

Our Platform

    • The country is not where we want it to be. But we cannot wallow in despair. It’s time to build.

    • There’s a vacuum in public life. The public square is dominated by the most divisive voices. It’s time for community leaders and active citizens to step forward.

    • Americans are builders and doers. It’s time to unleash this capacity and go together.

    • Real change always starts in local communities. Starting local is the best way to demonstrate progress and spread real change across the nation. It’s time to grow belief in one another.

    • Good things are already happening in our communities. We can build on them. It’s time to accelerate and deepen these good things.