The Harwood Institute in Illawarra Mercury about our work in Australia

Ask Illawarra Shoalhaven gauges community views

Too often people want to voice their concerns but are worried no one is listening.

On Thursday, February 12, there will be people listening and actively encouraging people to speak their minds on what they want for their community.

Ask Illawarra Shoalhaven is a community day of engagement where hundreds of volunteers from across the Illawarra will be out in their communities asking residents to share their views on the kind of community they want to live in.

CareWays Community operations manager Michael Szafraniec said volunteers will be in community centres, parks, shopping areas and on the streets and anywhere people gather.

"This is a new way of ensuring the community gets a voice and new way information from the ground up can be fed to decision makers. It is quite a powerful thing," he said.

"The day is happening across our four LGAs [Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama and Shoalhaven]. We will be in various locations and we want people to come and approach us and either volunteer their time or get involved and tell us what they want for their community."

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