Rich Harwood visiting Australia this month

Following the successful launch of a new training and coaching initiative in Sydney, Rich Harwood will be visiting Australia March 10th-16th. He will be meeting with key government departments and NGO leaders in an effort to support the spread of the Institute’s ideas and practices across the country.

The Institute began working in Australia in 2014 with the launch of a multi-year training and coaching partnership with the Local Community Services Association LCSA, a network of local neighborhood centers in New South Wales; and a training with the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, an organization based in Melbourne seeking to alleviate poverty nationwide.

Since that time, and thanks to the support of these partners and others, our Australian footprint has continued to grow. To date, we have engaged in training, coaching and other related efforts with the ten20 Foundation, Opportunity Child, the Australian Department of Social Services, the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, the Department of Family and Community Services in New South Wales, Logan Together, Woodside Energy, the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal, Dusseldorp Forum, Philanthropy Australia, the Centre for Social Impact, the University of Western Australia and more.

To support our expanding efforts in country, the Institute will be utilizing Australians that have been certified to coach and plan to organize an Australia Advisory Council to provide local support to amplifying the impact of our efforts. Look for more updates soon.


The Studio on Community: A hub of innovation and thinking


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