Moving Forward Amid Tension Between Our National and Local Spaces

Rich Harwood • March 9, 2022

local is where we can get in motion

A circle of people reaching a hand toward the middle in a gesture of togetherness..

We can’t afford to wait for our national political leaders to begin rebuilding this nation. Several folks have asked me, “How can starting locally be the way forward when we have so many issues at the national level where there appears to be no common ground?”

My answer is this. People in communities—under the right conditions—can and are finding common ground when they focus on their shared aspirations, what they want to create together, and how they will need to work together to get things done.

Local is where we can get in motion and break from the fight or flight that is paralyzing so many people today. It’s about starting small with achievable actions and concrete projects—and then growing our efforts from there—to restore people’s belief that they can get things done together.

There Are signs of progress Right Now

Kids sitting on a bench reading books.

Look at the work we are doing with education equity in Reading, PA.

Amid the storm of heated debates around education—mask mandates, critical race theory, school boards being overtaken and overrun—the people of Reading worked together to create a new education and community agenda based on the belief that all young people should have equal access to education and the resources they need to thrive.

Funders, nonprofit leaders, political leaders, and the school system all stepped forward to work together on this. They are finding common ground and taking meaningful actions that will unleash a chain reaction that grows over time. Learn more about Reading’s community and education agenda here.

We Must Hold Our Leaders to a Standard Set by all americans

As for the division and stagnation at the national level, I do believe that eventually some national leaders will step out and try to lead us toward working together more. We are starting to see some signs of that now, though few.

And while local is where we need to start, it's critical that brave national and civic leaders keep sounding the call. We need to hold them to a standard set by the needs of the American people. Signs of progress nationally will be slow to come, but they will come.

There is tension between our national and local spaces, but they aren’t mutually exclusive.

Instead, moving on the local level will *positively* stoke national leaders to step forward, put toxic politics aside, and do the kind of governing that will unite our country and inoculate Americans against the civic virus.

What’s Really Going On in Our Nation?

Conventional wisdom–and virtually every politician and media outlet in the country–will tell you that Americans are more polarized than ever before. Conventional wisdom is wrong. The Harwood Institute’s groundbreaking report, Civic Virus: Why Polarization Is a Misdiagnosis. can help you better understand what ails our country and how you can help build a more hopeful path forward. Learn more about America’s Civic Virus here.

For over 30 years, The Harwood Institute has created breakthroughs on how to address the hardest and most vital societal challenges and strengthen our civic culture. Through each part of our work, we are dedicated to catalyzing a larger force for change in the world. Want to step forward and take action to transform your community?


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