Boards Turning Outward: Getting Beyond the Organization-First Approach (2017)

Graphic of report cover for Boards Turning Outward: Getting Beyond the Organization-First Approach

About: A nationwide study prepared by The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation for the Kettering Foundation

Author: Aaron B. Leavy

Publish Date: 2017

Description: This report builds on previous work of and research by the Institute and looks specifically at the governing boards of community groups. We wanted to find out more about what boards are doing to make sure that the community is central to their decision-making and their strategic oversight of their organizations. We also wanted to learn more about what is standing in the way of keeping community in their line of sight and ways they try to overcome these obstacles. After all, it is the boards of these organizations that are not only charged with fiduciary responsibility, but also make many important decisions that impact overall direction, including appointing executive directors and CEOs.

We spoke with 36 board members around the U.S. While this in no way represents a full sample of the thousands of U.S. community-based boards, there were, with occasional exceptions, clear patterns that emerged. What our learning suggests is both sobering and cause for reflection: Not only are boards inwardly focused, but there also doesn’t seem to be a strong inclination to change


The Organization-First Approach (2009)


Putting Community in Collective Impact (2015)