Forging a Bright Future: How Logan County Keeps Building (2023)

About: A community report for Logan County, OH, prepared by The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation in partnership with Honda.

Authors: Richard C. Harwood, Michael Prihoda, and John Conroy

Publish Date: 2023

Description: Logan County is close-knit, the community has great schools, and local pride runs deep among residents. Still, the community is dealing with an array of challenges, fragmentation persists, and many are in danger of being left behind. It faces a critical choice: Stay on the current path and potentially stagnate or get on a more productive path by coming together to forge a bright future.

Forging this bright future means authentically engaging people to discover what matters to them and taking real action on those issues. The good news is that the solutions are here in the community.

This report includes the four main themes that emerged from the conversations and interviews; voices of the people from Logan County; a snapshot and analysis of the fundamental structures, networks, and norms of Logan County through the lens of The Harwood Institute’s Public Capital Framework; and key recommendations for investing in and growing the county's civic capacities and renewing a sense of possibility and hope.


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