One Step at a Time: Winchester and Clark County Seizing the Moment (2019)

About: A ripple effect report for the Greater Clark Foundation prepared by The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation.

Authors: Marla Crockett and Richard C. Harwood

Publish Date: 2019

Description: Published nearly three years after the release of The Harwood Institute report, Waving the Community’s Flag, this progress report takes an in-depth look at how community members view Winchester and Clark County. At that time, in 2017, residents talked movingly of their abiding love for Winchester and Clark County, hailing it as a great place to live, filled with a spirit of generosity, small-town atmosphere, strong sense of belonging, and rich history. But they also described deep challenges.

One Step At A Time highlights the many stories of action taking root and the spreading of new productive ways of working together in the community. It is a roadmap for how to grow this progress over time.


Waving the Community's Flag: Winchester and Clark County's Moment (2017)


The Ripple Effect: How Change Spreads in Communities (2015)