2019 National Speaking Tour


Finding Dignity, Hope and Community in America Today

How do we bring people together when it feels like our society is breaking apart? How can we unleash a greater sense of shared responsibility among us? How can we be a part of something larger than ourselves to truly make a difference in our communities? And how can we personally find the courage and humility to take such a path?

Americans are searching for answers as the country confronts rampant polarization, gridlock and even hate speech. People are looking for a trusted voice who can provide a clear path for how to channel their frustrations, energies and aspirations to get on a more hopeful trajectory.  We will need to be ruthless in our pursuit of hope to rediscover what we share in common and actively build upon it. Enough is enough.

In 2019, Rich Harwood, President and Founder of the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, launched a yearlong multi-city tour to speak about how we can get on that more hopeful path, starting in our local communities. Over 80 organizations reached out to be part of this incredible initiative. Click a point to learn more about these communities leading the way forward.


A New Speaking Tour in 2022: Healing & Hope

Photo of Rich Harwood, president of The Harwood Institute, giving a speech to a room or residents and leaders from Alamance County North Carolina.

In March 2022 after the Institute released its latest report, Civic Virus: Why Polarization is a Misdiagnosis, Rich Harwood launched a new in-person and virtual speaking tour to mobilize Americans across the country from Stamford, CT, and Ripon, WI, to Jackson, MS, and Alamance County, NC with more to come.

If you’re tired of hearing that we are polarized and can’t move forward, Rich will inspire you to bring your community together and get in motion to create a more hopeful path forward. Click below for highlights, videos and stories from the tour and stay tuned as it continues through 2023.

ABOUT RICH HARWOOD and The Harwood Institute

Richard C. Harwood is an innovator, writer, and speaker. For over three decades, he has devoted his career to revitalizing the nation’s hardest hit communities, transforming the world’s largest organizations, and reconnecting institutions to society.

The Harwood Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that equips people, organizations, communities, and networks with the tools to bridge divides, tackle shared challenges, create a culture of shared responsibility, and build capacity. The Harwood Institute’s work is rooted in a philosophy of Civic Faith and the practice of Turning Outward. Founded in 1988, the Institute’s approach has spread to all 50 states across the US and 40 countries around the world.

Rich’s Redeeming Hope Blog

Read Rich’s blog for inspiring and hopeful commentary about topics at the intersection of politics, society, and culture, where our public and personal lives overlap, and how to develop intentional strategies for community engagement and lasting change.

About Our Work

For over 30 years, The Harwood Institute has created breakthroughs on how to address the hardest and most vital societal challenges and strengthen our civic culture. Through each part of our work, we are dedicated to catalyzing a larger force for change in the world. Want to step forward and take action to transform your community?