Make Hope Real: How We Can Accelerate Change for the Public Good


By Richard C. Harwood, W.K. Kellogg Foundation Press (2007)

Five factors each of us must consider as we work to create change and make hope real in our communities.  Included are tools for thinking about your work and creating local conversations about what it takes to make hope real.

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By Richard C. Harwood, W.K. Kellogg Foundation Press (2007)

Five factors each of us must consider as we work to create change and make hope real in our communities.  Included are tools for thinking about your work and creating local conversations about what it takes to make hope real.

By Richard C. Harwood, W.K. Kellogg Foundation Press (2007)

Five factors each of us must consider as we work to create change and make hope real in our communities.  Included are tools for thinking about your work and creating local conversations about what it takes to make hope real.