November 2023 Newsletter: It’s Time for a Distinctly Civic Message; Innovating with an Open Tent

The Sweet Spot of Public Life is when individuals, organizations, groups, and networks in communities take actions to address what matters to people and, at the same time, build the underlying community conditions—what we call civic culture—for change to take root and spread. The key to finding the Sweet Spot is to be clear on people’s aspirations and how civic culture needs to be developed in order to accelerate progress and create a new trajectory of hope.

Enough. Time to Build. 2024 Campaign

Earlier this month, Rich Harwood and The Harwood Institute launched a nationwide campaign—“Enough. Time to Build.”—to show communities a real pathway forward. We have a choice: Surrender to the divisive forces dominating public life or step forward and take practical steps to build in our communities. That’s why we are juxtaposing a civic agenda next to the political agendas that will suffuse the airwaves over the next year.


Our five-point platform illuminates the pathway forward for community leaders. 

  • The country is not where we want it to be. But we cannot wallow in despair. It’s time to build.

  • There’s a vacuum in public life. The public square is dominated by the most divisive voices. It’s time for community leaders and active citizens to step forward.

  • Americans are builders and doers. It’s time to unleash this capacity and go together.

  • Real change always starts in local communities. Starting local is the best way to demonstrate progress and spread real change across the nation. It’s time to grow belief in one another.

  • Good things are already happening in our communities. We can build on them. It’s time to accelerate and deepen these good things.

Rich will be traveling the country in 2024 to spread this message of practical hope and spark change. We want to bring the campaign to your community. Slots are filling up fast. Visit our website to join the campaign by securing an in-person or virtual event in 2024.

Time to Build Campaign Visits Fresno, CA

On November 17, Rich visited Fresno, CA for the first “Enough. Time to Build.” campaign event in partnership with United Way Fresno and Madera Counties (UWFMC) as part of their Prosperity Summit. He delivered a keynote address to scores of community leaders, offering a practical message of hope that there is a real pathway forward for community leaders this election season and beyond. The path forward is to reclaim the public square from the most divisive voices and unleash our capacity as builders and doers.

Rich told the crowd, “I am embarking on this campaign amid contentious national, state, and local elections for a reason. For it is now when we can show the stakes at hand and make clear a distinctly civic message that calls people to build up our nation, not tear it down.” 

Positive examples of building are already taking place in Fresno. This very Prosperity Summit brought together numerous community leaders and active citizens to build capacity and find new ways for the community to work together to ensure every individual in Fresno and Madera Counties has a real chance to thrive and fulfill their potential. The community can build on this and create a new trajectory of hope so long as leaders—at every level—remain laser-focused on what matters to people. 

As part of bringing the campaign to Fresno, Rich teamed up with UWFMC’s President and CEO Lindsay Fox for a joint op-ed published in The Fresno Bee. They wrote: “We need more communities like Fresno to step forward and prove that Americans have the will and ability to build together. Only by coming together to build do we unearth our innate potential to foster communities that thrive.”

The Open Tent: Innovating in Southwest Michigan

We've been innovating with a long-standing partner, United Way of Southwest Michigan, to test and deliver a new tool for communities to direct their collective resources toward a common purpose. This tool is an entreaty to pitch an open tent.

The idea comes from the Biblical story of Abraham, whose tent was open on all four sides so that anyone, from any direction, would be welcomed inside—even the stranger. This story is raised, not to make a religious point, but to help us reimagine the space we need in local communities. We need spaces that intentionally welcome people who are willing to work together on common issues to generate a culture of shared responsibility. Public Innovators in Southwest Michigan have already seen a number of wins by applying the open tent tool, including new relationships and trust between people and organizations; new partners showing up to get involved in the work; and people feeling a greater sense of belonging in the spaces created through this tool. 

Still, the process is difficult at times. During our recent visit in October, one Public Innovator wondered, “Am I strong enough to do this work?” Rich reminded participants that Turning Outward, showing up, and making yourself seen inherently proves someone is strong enough to contribute to building a community that thrives. He called on Public Innovators there to find rejuvenation in their lives by leaning into what energizes them and surrounding themselves with others who can offer support.

Our work in Southwest Michigan is a reminder that none of us can do this alone. We need to welcome everyone to the table, moving ahead with those who are willing and ready while leaving the tent open for others to join us when they feel called to turn outward and step forward.

Upcoming Events

The New Basics Part 4: Personal Covenant and Personal Rejuvenation Tools | January 9, 2024 | 1pm EST
In order to be Turned Outward, it is critical to know what and who rejuvenates you. As we begin the new year, this webinar will detail the Personal Rejuvenation Tool,  which will help you figure out what you need to sustain yourself and the Personal Covenant, which can help you stay accountable to meeting your goals in community work. Register for this free webinar!

The LAtest From Rich

Why I Am Launching a New Nationwide Campaign
Inequities are growing, hate and fear are deepening, and hope is in short supply. But we need not give in to negativity or despair. There is an alternative, realistic, and hopeful path forward. It starts in our local communities. That’s why I’m launching this campaign—“Enough. Time to Build.”—to remind us of what is possible and what we are capable of.

What Two Women in Fresno Have to Teach Us About How We Build Together
On the way home from our first campaign event in Fresno, CA, I found myself thinking especially about two women I met. They each have much to teach us about how we can build together as Americans. In the stories of both, we can find concrete examples of how we might step forward and make a contribution to our community.

Authentic Hope Comes From Building Together
We know we are not where we want to be as a country—or as a people. Our work is not done. But the answer is not to give up or retreat. Rather, we can create authentic hope—and restore belief in one another—by coming together to build.

Our social media is different. It’s a home. It’s a place to connect with community builders. And it’s just a click away.

Looking for a perspective that will refresh your leadership and inspire you to step forward? Follow Rich on LinkedIn or Facebook.

Want to be part of something bigger than yourself? Join The Harwood Institute’s movement to create a new trajectory of hope on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

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December 2023 Newsletter: A Common Agenda Report; Catalyzing Community-Led Change in Rural Ohio


October 2023 Newsletter: Creating a Personal Covenant, Finding Authentic Hope