What a Week

That was a lot of fun. I want to take a moment to thank my guests last week for their great thoughts. They really added a great dimension to this site. Thanks also to all the readers who took time to share their comments on the posts, through email, and in phone calls! A few people asked why I didn’t have a similar discussion about the Democratic Convention. This site is still fairly new and, frankly, we just thought of the idea as the Republican Convention approached. The timing gave me the opportunity to try something new, and I think it turned out very well in the end. I plan to have similar forums around any number of events in the future, including the upcoming presidential debates. Thanks again to everyone who contributed. Check back as the campaign heats up and we all engage in working for the public good. There’s sure to be lots to talk about – and lots to do.


The Passing of 9/11


The Ownership Society