Iowa: A Call for Change

No matter who wins the nominations, the message out of the Iowa Caucuses is clear, strong and unmistakable. It is a call to bring about change and hope in America . The call for change and to make hope real have long been cornerstones of our work at The Harwood Institute. That is why a few months ago I wrote, Make Hope Real.The essay, helps each of us think about how we can do the work that must be done within our communities to create the kind of change we want.

It is why we established an alliance with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to help public broadcasters nationwide innovate new ways to strengthen the civic health of communities through their work.

It is why we have been developing new boundary spanning organizations to bring people together across dividing lines, incubate new ideas, and hold up a mirror so we can see our shared realities and take common action.

It is why we have been working in communities across the country - from Flint andYoungstown to Austin and Las Vegas - to demonstrate that change is possible.

The desire to help communities create change is why we created the Harwood Public Innovators Lab. The Lab helps public innovators come together and develop the sensibilities and practices they need to bring about real change and hope.

It is why we created the Annual Public Innovators Summit, so key leaders from across the nation can come together and reflect on the essence of their work, rejuvenate themselves and join forces in new ways to reshape public life.

Change and hope. These words beg us to bring our full selves to the tasks before us, with a sense of true purpose and intention. They call on us to create a public life that works for all people and which taps our better instincts.

The moment is now to make hope real in our communities, through our organizations, in our daily work and lives.

To accelerate efforts to create change and make hope real in your community order Make Hope Real.


Candidates: Make the Ask


Prisoner of Hope: Notes from a Would-be Library Innovator