Hope and Change in Canada
Last week United Way leaders from across Canada gathered in Canmore, Alberta to discuss how they could accelerate change in their communities and measure impact. As part of the multi-day meetings these leaders invited Rich Harwood to speak about the importance of The 3A's of Public Life (authority, authenticity and accountability) and about how United Ways can more fully turn outward toward the community.
The day-long conversation included United Way leaders from Vancouver to Halifax, from Edmonton and Calgary to Winnipeg, and Toronto who spoke passionately about their desire to create change in their communities. The drive to create hope and change is bubbling up in communities everywhere and we're excited to expand our work and our network of public innovators to Canada and beyond.
From 20 years of work in communities we know that public innovators face serious challenges, and how critical it is to develop a network of leaders with a shared notion of what it takes to create change and make hope real to provide inspiration, guidance, ideas and support. You can help us create a broader, more cohesive network by sharing copies of Make Hope Real with those in your organization or community. For other ideas about how to be more involved in building the Harwood Network contact Aaron Leavy, National Program Manager at aleavy@theharwoodinstitute.org