ASTC Working with Harwood to Accelerate Change

"A powerful force for good," is how Lesley Lewis, President of the Association of Science-Technology Centers describes her vision for her members which include more than 540 science centers and museums in 40 countries across the globe. Last week ASTC's Board invited Rich Harwood to work with them to explore ways to turn outward toward their communities and deepen the relevance of their Centers. As part of the Board Meeting, Rich led the members through The 3A's of Public Life. The 3A's are a way for leaders to make tough judgments about their work in public life while remaining true to their aspirations.

Science centers have an incredible opportunity to be a powerful force for good. As more and more public issues are rooted in both public values and science - from global warming and nuclear power, to water scarcity and sex education - these centers are trusted conveners with the standing to bring people together to discuss difficult issues.


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