Harwood Part of "All Star Panel" at Craigslist 2009 Boot Camp

On June 20 in Berkeley California, Rich Harwood will be one of the featured speakers for the Craigslist Foundation’s 6th annual Boot Camp for nonprofit organizations and individuals interested in making a difference in their communities nationwide. Rich Harwood will also be part of the “All Star Panel” joining other national thought leaders like Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist.org, Arianna Huffington co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post, Ami Dar Executive Director of Idealist.org, and Jonathan Greenblatt former CEO of GOOD Worldwide, and Ethos Brands.

The all-day program focuses on skills for connecting, motivating and inspiring greater community involvement and impact. Boot Camp ’09 seeks to match the more than 1,500 nonprofit professionals, social entrepreneurs and passionate individuals in attendance with the people and resources that can support their missions.


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