Follow Up on "Who Do You Trust" Blog

Several weeks ago on his blog Rich discussed one of the key challenges people are wrestling with today: “Who do you trust.” The blog included an invitation for readers to send us nominees.  Thanks to all who did so.  We’ve complied a great list of diverse individuals ranging from politicians and spiritual leaders, to a forest supervisor and film director.  These are leaders who people do trust. They deserve to be recognized.  

    • Craig Bobzien, Forest Supervisor, Black Hills National Forest- I trust my leaders in the Forest Service. They came up through the ranks, shovels in hand, fighting fire, building trails, living in the dirt. –Frank Carroll

    • Bill Bradley, Former Senator, from New Jersey, thoughtful, hard-working, honest and well-informed. –Eric Walle

    • Tony Dungy, Former professional football player and coach- He is such a powerful man in his beliefs. He is not afraid to let you know the importance of God in his life. He is a great father and tries to help other men follow in his footsteps. - Susan Franzen

    • Bob Graham, Former Senator from Florida- He has been a dedicated leader for Florida. He is consistent and honest and I feel I can trust what he says by the evidence of his actions. –Kim Kelling

    • Jim Leach, Congressman from Iowa- I believe he is doing commendable work today at HEH. I trust him to be sincere, authentic, studied, and respectful of diverse views and of those who hold them. –James S. Davis

    • John Marks, Tallahassee Mayor - He has been a great leader for Tallahassee championing education and literacy as well as helping the community go green and develop a more sustainable future. –Kim Kelling

    • Thomas S. Monson, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints- I trust my Church leaders. They have a handbook for life that if followed leads to joy now and ever after. –Frank Carroll

    • Greg Mortenson- co-founder of nonprofit Central Asia Institute- because he shows us how to wage peace in developing nations. - Gloria Skurski

    • Bill Moyers, journalist and public commentator- because he follows the facts and speaks truth to power.- Gloria Skurski

    • Condoleezza Rice, Former United States Secretary of state, American professor, politician, diplomat and author. -Rory in Alaska

    • Peter Schneeberger -Rory in Alaska

    • Pedro Segarra, Mayor of Hartford, CT- I believe is a man of little ego and absolute integrity, whose positions on issues appear to be based on thoughtful and attentive reflection on the matter at hand.-Tim Cole

    • Killian Skaflestad -Rory in Alaska

    • Jon Stewart, American political satirist, writer, television host- because he does a better job of journalism than most journalists.- Gloria Skurski

  • Josh Tickell: director and producer of the film FUEL. He has created an amazing film documenting the petroleum industry and how we can solve this addiction and have a brighter future. -Kim Kelling

If you did not have a chance to submit a nominees the first time please feel free to do so in the comment section below.


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