Grading the Conventions: Democrats
Starting tonight, President Obama, Vice President Biden, and their colleagues will lay out their vision for America. But how can we sort out what they’re saying, and how would you grade them? Here’s an easy-to-use tool to do just that. It’s based on key insights from my new book, The Work of Hope. Use the tool and you’ll gain greater clarity about what the campaign is really saying, what it adds up to for you, and what it means for the country. Last week we started with the Republican Convention; now, this week, it’s time for the Democratic Convention.
Here are some things you need to know: Below, “What People Say They Want” is based on a year-long, in-depth conversation we’ve had with Americans from across the country, which is now part my new book, The Work of Hope (order here). The “topics” selected below are among those reflected by the Democratic National Committee and the Obama campaign. Grade each category based on comparing “What People Say They Want” to what you hear at the convention.
Getting started: 1. Go to Facebook to register your grades. 2. Join the conversation with me on Facebook and Twitter. 3. Print out the easy-to-use tool and use it during this week.