February 2024 Newsletter: Community Initiatives Taking Off, Making Every Day of an Election Year Count

“When we focus on our shared aspirations we can change the future of this country.” - Sharon Orlopp, Former Global Chief Diversity Officer, Walmart

Community Initiatives are Taking Off in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida

We’re working deeply in a set of iconic communities to prove that Americans have the public will and ability to address society’s fault lines by coming together to get things done. Places like Reading, PA; Alamance County, NC; Owensboro, KY; Union and Logan Counties, OH; DeSoto County, FL; and elsewhere. Each has unique demographics, histories, and challenges. Individually, they represent the different divides plaguing society today. As a whole, they demonstrate our innate capacities to change how we work together and create a new trajectory of hope by applying the Harwood approach. Today, we offer a glimpse of the inspiring work taking root and spreading in three of these communities.  

Reading, PA

Ten years ago, Reading was named the poorest community in America. Once predominantly white, it is 65% Latino today. It suffers from persistent poverty, fragmentation, and a youth violence crisis. Many say Reading will never amount to anything. But the narrative is changing as scores of individuals, from all walks of life, step forward to forge a new path. Three action teams—English as a second language, after-school activities, and early childhood education—are each creating ripple effects in the community. During a recent workspace in Reading, one early skeptic of the work shared that the initiative provided a sense of “true hope” again as he sees concrete action taking place, with growing momentum and real results. Learn more about Reading’s progress in our new video.

Union and Logan Counties, OH

Union and Logan Counties, OH are about 90% white and largely rural. Jim Jordan, founder of the right-wing House Freedom Caucus, is the congressional representative for both counties. While different from most places where we work, they represent the rich mosaic of the country. In each county, 50+ leaders stepped forward to fill our Getting Start Labs in February. They are already embracing and spreading the Harwood approach. In Logan County, two members of the health/mental health Action Team presented to the Logan County District Board of Health. The Logan County Chamber of Commerce President also shared about his experience at a city council meeting. These early ripples indicate a deep appetite in Ohio for people to come together and get moving again. Read more about our work in Union and Logan Counties.

DeSoto County, FL

One of the poorest counties in Florida, DeSoto ranks 65th out of 67 counties in Florida for students reading by third grade. It’s a community where hope can be hard to come by. At the end of January, Rich and the team were in DeSoto to launch a new community-led initiative, in partnership with The Patterson Foundation, to catalyze efforts that address what matters to people while strengthening how the community works together. During one meeting, an educator who had spent decades in the local public schools turned to Rich and said, “Two words describe what you’re talking about: ‘Small and Momentum.’” This gave her and others hope that a new path forward is possible for a community like DeSoto. Read more about our time in DeSoto in Rich’s column for The Fulcrum

What About the 364 Days Besides Election Day?

Jon Stewart recently returned to “The Daily Show” after nearly a decade away. About fifteen minutes into his opening monologue, he set the jokes aside to say this: “The work of making this world resemble one that you would prefer to live in is a lunch pail job day in, day out… I’m not saying you don’t have to worry about who wins the election. I’m saying you have to worry about every day before it and every day after it.”

Rich recently wrote a piece on LinkedIn that agreed with Stewart and built on his assessment. Ultimately, to create the change we want to see today, we need a civic alternative to politics as usual. Our “Enough. Time to Build.” campaign is one such alternative. 

Our national leaders aren’t going to save us. A third party won’t save us. But Americans, if we come together, can save ourselves. To forge this civic path forward, let’s make each of the 364 days outside of Election Day matter too. Let’s come together and build. 

Upcoming Events

Catalyzing Community-Led Change: Overcoming Our Narrow, Divisive Politics | April 18 | 4pm EST
Education need not divide us. In fact, it can unite us. Join ThoughtStretchers Education for an interactive online discussion on key findings from The Harwood Institute’s report, “A Common Agenda,” with Rich Harwood, Founder and President of The Harwood Institute, and Brigitte Blom, President and CEO of the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. This interactive, online discussion will dig into what it takes for educators and community leaders to catalyze community-led change and overcome the divisive, narrow politics of our time. Register for this free webinar!

Building Trust by Building Together | April 4 | 1pm EST
Amid today’s increasingly divisive politics and growing mistrust, it is imperative that we find ways to come together and take action. The best place to start is in our local communities. That’s why Living Room Conversations and The Harwood Institute are teaming up for an interactive online discussion focused on building trust by building together. Join Joan Blades (Founder of Living Room Conversations) and Rich Harwood for an intimate fireside chat and audience Q&A about what it will take to build in our local communities and find the common ground we need to move forward. Register for this free webinar!

Getting Started Virtual Public Innovators Lab | Starting March 25, 2024 | 2pm EST
Are you looking to deepen and accelerate your impact in community work? Sign up for our next Getting Started Virtual Public Innovators Lab! You’ll learn how to unleash your ability to catalyze change and strengthen your community’s civic culture across five weekly sessions led by Certified Harwood Coaches, grounded in 35 years of innovation. The Lab kicks off March 25 at 2pm EST. Reserve your spot today.

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Make sure you follow Rich on LinkedIn to be nourished and supported as we go together this election season.

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