January 2024 Newsletter: Be an Agent of Hope, Catalyze Change in Your Community

One month into the new year, are you already feeling exhausted? Community work is hard, especially during an election year. Now more than ever, it’s critical to find rejuvenation. It’s why we developed the “Personal Rejuvenation Tool” to sustain people as they engage in public life. If you do one thing before February rolls around, take five minutes to use this tool and reground yourself in what rejuvenates you.


“Harwood unlocks and unleashes the deep down optimism people have for improving their communities.” - Patrick Jones, The Mind Trust

Our “Enough. Time to Build.” campaign is designed to be your home for hope amid another contentious election season. Like Patrick said, we know you believe that your community can be better. We know you’re already working hard to make that happen despite all that you’re up against. That’s why our campaign is focused on helping community leaders like you reground in your commitment to being catalysts for change at the local level.

There are multiple ways for you to be filled up by this campaign. Here’s a few you can take advantage of today. 

Insight From the Studio on Community

The Harwood Studio on Community was established in 2017 to create the time and space within the Institute necessary to explore new areas, innovate around complex civic challenges, and be a space where individuals can spend time at the Institute developing their own ideas and skills. 

The following reflection is from Kevin Obike, a Howard University graduate and academic researcher who joined the Institute as a Studio Associate for summer/fall 2023.

A Necessary Paradigm Shift

I immigrated to the United States from Nigeria in 2016, a pivotal time marked by a contentious election and palpable dissatisfaction with leadership. My initial observations revealed a growing distrust in others' ideals and a disturbing disregard for neighborliness, highlighting a division with the potential to fracture communities.
As the country approaches another election season, my perspective has evolved from one of apprehension to cautious optimism. This transformation is largely attributed to my role as a Studio Associate at the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation. While the upcoming election may echo the divisive rhetoric of the past, my experiences at the Institute have instilled in me a sense of hope.

Are You Ready to Catalyze Change?

“The Getting Started Virtual Lab is great if you feel worn out or stuck and are looking for fresh ways to center your community in the work you do.” - March 2023 Lab Participant

Unleash your capacity to catalyze change and strengthen your community’s civic culture with our Getting Started Virtual Public Innovators Lab. This five-week experience is designed to equip you with the fundamentals of the road-tested Harwood approach. 

Each week, experience highly-interactive sessions with our team of Certified Harwood Coaches where  you’ll learn how to catalyze a chain reaction of actions in your community, develop ways to discover what matters to people, discern where your community is starting, and identify how you can show up more intentionally in your work and life.

The Lab kicks off on March 25, 2024 at 2pm EST. Secure your spot today.

Harwood Team Updates

Rachel Wade, Studio Director

This month, Rachel Wade joined the Harwood team as our Studio Director. In this role, she will oversee the work of the Studio on Community by leading special projects and innovation on key challenges in society, creating new assets based on ideas emerging from the work of the Studio, managing different network convenings, and more. 

Before joining the Institute, Rachel served in various leadership positions for United Way of Southwest Michigan for over 15 years, most recently as their Vice President of Strategy. She holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations from Western Michigan University and a master’s in administration from Central Michigan University. In 2021, Rachel was named a Bold Women of Business by Moody on the Market.

The Harwood Institute in the News

Time to Build via Collage Podcast

Stepping Back to Move Forward: My Journey at the Harwood Summit via The Patterson Foundation

Rich Harwood urges Flint residents to reclaim their public square via Mid Michigan News Now

Our social media is your home for hope.

Make sure you follow Rich on LinkedIn for your weekly dose of practical hope and simple steps to build a stronger community.

Want to get Harwood news and updates straight to your inbox?

February 2024 Newsletter: Community Initiatives Taking Off, Making Every Day of an Election Year Count


Reflections from the Studio on Community: A Necessary Paradigm Shift