Reflections from the Studio on Community: A Necessary Paradigm Shift

The Harwood Studio on Community was established in 2017 to create the time and space within the Institute necessary to explore new areas and innovate around complex civic challenges, and to be a space where individuals can spend time at the Institute to develop their own ideas and skills. 

The following reflections come from Kevin Obike, a Howard University graduate and academic researcher who joined the Institute as a Studio Associate for summer/fall 2023.

I immigrated to the United States from Nigeria in 2016, a pivotal time marked by a contentious election and palpable dissatisfaction with leadership. My initial observations revealed a growing distrust in others' ideals and a disturbing disregard for neighborliness, highlighting a division with the potential to fracture communities.

As the country approaches another election season, my perspective has evolved from one of apprehension to cautious optimism. This transformation is largely attributed to my role as a Studio Associate at The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation. While the upcoming election may echo the divisive rhetoric of the past, my experiences at the Institute have instilled in me a sense of hope.

In the words of Aristotle, "society is something that precedes the individual." This timeless wisdom resonates with my journey at the Harwood Institute, where I've actively participated in initiatives aimed at bridging gaps and dismantling the walls of division in communities weary of discord. I've come to appreciate the profound difference between merely researching a community and genuinely embodying it. 

My time at The Harwood Institute has equipped me with invaluable tools and instigated a paradigm shift in my perception of the indispensable nature of community conversations and engagement. Actively immersing myself in communities, listening to people, and comprehending their unique dynamics has emerged as a powerful catalyst for meaningful change. This hands-on approach has underscored the importance of authenticity and empathy in fostering connections that transcend political and ideological divides.

In addition to honing practical skills, my time at the Institute has cultivated a deeper appreciation for the resilience and diversity of communities. The collaborative and inclusive ethos of the Institute has not only enriched my professional growth but has also left an indelible mark on my personal outlook.

As I look forward, I carry with me not only the tools acquired but also a renewed sense of purpose. The experiences garnered will undoubtedly continue to shape my approach to community engagement, emphasizing the transformative potential inherent in active participation and empathetic understanding. My time at the Harwood Institute has been more than a professional stint; it has been a profound journey of self-discovery.


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