Rich Harwood, Mayor Bing, ARISE Detroit! Highlight Resident Action in Detroit

This Friday, Rich Harwood will join Detroit Mayor Dave Bing, former Mayor Dennis Archer, Judge Greg Mathis, ARISE Detroit! Executive Director Luther Keith, and other Detroit leaders in highlighting the importance of the third annual ARISE Detroit! Neighborhoods Day. Neighborhoods Day serves as a “downpayment” from the people of Detroit on building the safe, clean and connected community they seek and will feature more than 130 events in neighborhoods throughout the city on August 1st. Churches, block clubs, community groups and businesses are organizing events such as street cleanups, health fairs, back to school events, building new houses, holding community youth concerts and much more.

During the Lab in June, we talked with Detroiters about their aspirations for the community in an event we called "Ask Detroit." Rich will bring a national perspective to the discussion and share the results from "Ask Detroit." At a time when economic news dominates the national coverage of Detroit, we found that residents spoke of their community in a different way. The faltering economy and negative job news were important to those we spoke with, but they were not the primary concerns we heard. People spoke of their vision for "a clean, safe community with its members looking out for each other.”

We are proud to have been invited to stand with Mayor Bing and others in lending our support for ARISE Detroit!'s Neighborhoods Day and the downpayments Detroiters are making every day on creating change.

More on Harwood's partnership with groups in Detroit


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