Resources for Harwood Lab Alums

Lab Alum Calls - ScheduleThe next two Lab Alum Conference Calls are scheduled. August 21, 2009 September 25, 2009

We'll be sharing topics and call in numbers closer to the date for the call.

Lab Alum Calls - Archive Listen to the 1st Harwood Lab Alum Conference Call (July 17)

Use What You've Learned How to Use the Frameworks - a collection of examples for how to use the frameworks

Talking About the Work Howard Mason's blog about the Lab

Spreading the Work Send free copies of Make Hope Real to people in your organization or community. Send free copies of The Organization-First Approach Report to people in your organization or community.


Sarah Palin the Quitter


Rich Harwood, Mayor Bing, ARISE Detroit! Highlight Resident Action in Detroit