LEADing the Way with HandsOn Network

Last Tuesday, Rich Harwood moderated the

HandsOn Network LEAD Summit

. The Summit brought together more than 250 attendees from across public life.

Speakers and panelists included Social Media Guru Allison Fine, Michelle Nunn President of HandsOn Network, Executive Producer for This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Ian Cameron, .NFL Commentator James Brown, CNN Correspondent Jessica Yellin and Director of the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Engagement Sonal Shah.

Rich opened the event by talking about people’s desire to reconnect and reengage and be part of something larger than themselves. He explained: “We need to turn outward towards our communities as opposed to inward towards ourselves. We need to innovate, create our way out of the situation we are in."

To watch clips from the Summit click here To see more photos from the event click here


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