Harwood's Involvement with Waiting for "Superman"

Waiting for Superman” is the latest documentary film by Academy Award Winning Director Davis Guggenheim (Inconvenient Truth). The film focuses on America’s education system and the role charter schools play. The film has created an active conversation around education; having been featured in Time Magazine, Oprah and numerous other media outlets.

United Way Worldwide has partnered with Paramount Studios and Participant Media in support of the film.   As United Way’s signature partner for “The Campaign for The Common Good,” The Harwood Institute is helping UWW leverage the release of the film, to spark important conversations about people’s aspirations for their community around education.

United Way and Harwood believe the film has the potential to be a catalyst for conversations in our communities about education and our aspirations for the communities we want to live in.  If you would like to get involved with education mobilization please contact your local United Way.  Waiting for "Superman" is scheduled for release on September 24th in New York and Los Angeles and elsewhere soon after.


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When charity counts, but change is called for