Town Hall with Rich and Sec. of Education Duncan

United Way Worldwide and Harwood Team up on National Report around Education and Community “The solution needs to be grassroots, the communities have to decide to become involved again.”

“Schools do need money, but more importantly they need the time of volunteers to serve as role models.”

These are the voices of American parents and community members in a new education report by United Way Worldwide. The report is grounded in our work at The Harwood Institute as we continue to work along-side individuals and organizations to turn outward and make hope real.

The report will be revealed at a nation-wide Education Town Hall taking place in Washington DC Thursday, March 31 at 10am ET. Rich will be there with Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan and Melody Barnes, President Obama's Domestic Policy Adviser, to emphasize the work and role of The Harwood Institute. The Town Hall will be hosted by CNN's Soledad O'Brien.

“It’s clear that people believe America has reached a crisis point in education," says Rich. "The most exciting piece of this report is hearing what they want to do – and can do about it. If ever there was a concern on which Americans can mobilize for change– it’s education."

And you can add YOUR voice to the Town Hall by participating virtually. Sign up for the online Town Hall today and start sharing your ideas or submit your thoughts and questions to Rich via twitter (@RichHarwood) or Facebook.

The report stresses that schools and communities are inextricably linked. However, community members say they feel shut out of schools and people feel more emphasis needs to be put on values like kindness, generosity and responsibility – both at school and at home.

Do you agree? Tell us what you think - @RichHarwood or Facebook- and be a part of the community solution.    


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