Harwood Intentionality Forum Hosted in Battle Creek

The message is clear in Michigan – the time to spur true and lasting change is now and the way to do that is to turn outward. Over 100 leaders in the for profit, non profit and public sector gathered yesterday at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for the Harwood Intentionality Forum – Battle Creek. The forum offered a chance for public innovators to connect with each other and learn the basics of the Harwood framework.
“We can’t wait for Lansing or Washington, D.C., to do the right thing all the time,” Kellogg Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer Sterling Speirn said during opening remarks. “We can do the right thing right here in Battle Creek.”
Battle Creek has been working with Harwood for the past two years to become a beacon community and model for others working to turn outward across the nation. The work of the Battle Creek Community Core Team (comprised of staff from various local organizations and community members) has activated citizen-led change throughout greater Battle Creek and across many organizations, businesses and schools. Each of the projects the team members were engaged in focused on meeting the needs of vulnerable children and families, specifically those related to education, health and family financial stability. Read the Battle Creek Enquirer story on the forum here.

Post debt crisis: How to bring out the best in ourselves


Time for a televised debt crisis meeting