Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

"I love my people"

These four small, powerful words are what one leader told me last week as to why she works so hard in her community. Her words echoed those of her AARP colleagues in the room. I suspect if I had asked you the same question after four days of our working together you might have said something similar. But, in the rush and busyness of our days, these words can be easy to forget, misplace, or cake over. Now, more than ever, we must remember them.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Patrick Kennedy's Redemption

I was filled with sorrow when I heard about Patrick Kennedy’s recent decision to leave Congress. My reaction to his announcement is completely different from how I feel about the many Congressional members now lining up to leave town. Patrick Kennedy helps us to see what personal redemption might look like. As a nation, we need him. Here’s why.

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