Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Springsteen Concert and Our America

This Sunday night my wife and I went to the new Bruce Springsteen concert: The Wrecking Ball. The last Springsteen concert we went to was in May 2009, not long after Obama took office. So much change from one to the other. Now, like then, Springsteen offers a window into America’s condition – one I believe we ought to look through.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Bruce Springsteen and ticket scalpers: Which America?

Once again Bruce Springsteen’s fans are being ripped off by scalpers who buy up then re-sell tickets at exorbitant prices, an act that encapsulates much of what people want changed in America today. The good news: Springsteen understands all this and is taking action. Now, if only others in our politics and elsewhere would take his cue.

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