Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

The New "No Labels" Movement

Yesterday, the “No Labels” movement was launched and then roundly attacked from all sides. Its purpose: to call people back to core American beliefs and productive engagement in public life and politics. Their tagline: “Not Left. Not Right. Forward.” The knee-jerk attacks just go to prove the movement is sorely needed. Here's why.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Accelerating your good work

Over the years we've found there’s a pretty simple value proposition for why it’s so important that we turn outward toward the community. If you turn outward and make more intentional judgments and choices in creating change, you will produce greater impact and relevance in your community.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Post-Holiday Shopping: Hangover Tuesday?

In the last four days we’ve experienced the breakneck shopping of Black Friday and Cyber Monday; with all that’s going on in society, I wonder, is today, “Hangover Tuesday?” For many Americans, the bad news just keeps piling up – lost jobs, terrorism alerts, airport pat downs, and other societal ills. But are things really as bad as they seem, and what’s next?

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

This Thanksgiving's Great "Opt Out"

Every chunk of time these days seems to need some grand narrative to direct our attention and national conversation. This Thanksgiving it is the battle over TSA’s airport pat downs and body scans. Hot and bothered Americans are calling for travelers to “opt out” of such “invasive searches” and slow down security lines. But this isn’t the real challenge in America today; it is to find a way to "opt in."

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Salvation Army's Red Kettles Shut Down

Here in the Washington, D.C. area, Giant Foods, a huge grocery chain, announced a cutback of holiday hours the Salvation Army can have its renowned Red Kettles and bell ringers outside its stores. The reason: “to serve our customers, and not hinder their shopping experience.” What about people’s “civic experience” – where, for Giant Foods, does that fit in? There’s an alternative path for Giant to take.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Obama the Muslim

Just one week after the mid-term elections, President Obama touched down today for a visit to Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world. Many Americans still believe Obama is a Muslim himself, which colors their view of him and his patriotism. What I want to know is whether Obama’s Republican opponents will set the record straight, or further exploit this falsehood for their own political gain.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

The Fight After Election Day

Much is being said about what will happen after today’s election. What will President Obama and the Republicans do? Where did all the passion for “change” go? What should be the next policy agenda? Over the coming weeks, I will return to these themes. But, today, I want to focus on the underlying fight I believe we must be prepared to take on after Election Day.

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