Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Walk with Me in the Footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr.

"The Drum Major Instinct" is one of my favorite Martin Luther King, Jr. sermons. It asks, “What does it mean to step forward to lead and serve?” This is especially important for any of us with a burning desire to create a more just, fair, equitable, inclusive and hopeful society. So, what is the nature of your own path?

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Hang in there. Don't walk away.

There are times in your life when you become so angry, frustrated, scared, enraged, or feel threatened that you just want to walk away and give up. Now may be one of those times for you. I am hearing this from so many people. Perhaps I can hear you whispering such things as well.

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