Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Bringing Together the Tea Party & Occupy Wall Street - Part 2

After last week’s blog, Let’s Bring Together the Tea Party & Occupy Wall Street, Michel Martin, from NPR’s Tell Me More, asked me and representatives from the two groups to have an on-air conversation. All the potential peril in trying to do something productive could be heard during this conversation. But I remain undaunted, and I hope you are, too. Here’s why.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Let's Bring Together the Tea Party & Occupy Wall Street

Like you, I have watched as the Tea Party has taken shape and now as the Occupy Wall Street movement is spreading – and my desire is to bring them both together around a single table for a real conversation. My experience tells me that they probably share some important things in common, and the nation would do well if those things could be uncovered and explored.

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