Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Wisconsin Recall: Take the Inkblot Test

Wisconsinites vote today on the recall of Governor Scott Walker. The recall provides an inkblot test for us about how we see politics and public life. I’ve laid out four possible options from which to choose – which one best fits your view? And how do these maybe help you to see another point of view?

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

The Wisconsin Debate - continued

The tectonic political plates on budget matters in Wisconsin and elsewhere continue to shift and I think that’s a good thing. Maybe you’ll be surprised by my position on these matters. But hear me out, and most importantly let me know what you think.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Wisconsin and the growing budget fights

What should we make of the growing budget controversy in Wisconsin, and what is unfolding in Ohio, New Jersey, California, New York and elsewhere? Individual states, and the nation as a whole, are at impasse over what to do. As more people take up sides, the shouting gets louder and shriller. How can we move forward from here?

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