Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Patrick Kennedy's Redemption

I was filled with sorrow when I heard about Patrick Kennedy’s recent decision to leave Congress. My reaction to his announcement is completely different from how I feel about the many Congressional members now lining up to leave town. Patrick Kennedy helps us to see what personal redemption might look like. As a nation, we need him. Here’s why.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Lessons from Snowmageddon

I was stuck in my 43-degree house for days after the power and heat got cut off during our recent snow storm. It’s been a cold and dark house; and all time seemed to stop. But there’s been some light. Indeed, sitting with layers of blankets draped around me, I’ve had lots of time to think. Oh, the lessons from Snowmageddon.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

5 Ways to Mobilize America

Amid all the calls for economic and policy packages in Washington, it’s time to mobilize Americans to rebuild their communities. Let’s not delay. But let’s also be smart. Because the truth is, we’ll need more than ordinary volunteer programs to make hope real. We must take a different path. Here are 5 keys.

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