Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Political grandiosity is leaving people behind

I watched the GOP presidential primary debate last night and was aghast at the grandiosity put forth as sound ideas for moving the country forward. Now I await President Obama’s State of the Union Address tonight. Such grandiosity only makes a mockery of reality, insults people’s intelligence, and leaves people behind. Something has to give.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

The Donald: "Trumped" Up Noise?

Yesterday, Donald Trump announced he would not be seeking the presidency in 2012. But, of course, that doesn't mean we've heard the last from him – far from it! And so what does his voice in American politics mean today? Anyone interested in moving the country forward should pay attention.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Budget Stalemate: Any good news here?

I know it sounds crazy, but I’m actually starting to think the current budget stalemate in the nation’s capital has some positive sides. Where this battle ends up is anyone’s guess – and I hope it’s not with a government shutdown. But let’s look at the plus side of the ledger for a moment.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

The Fight After Election Day

Much is being said about what will happen after today’s election. What will President Obama and the Republicans do? Where did all the passion for “change” go? What should be the next policy agenda? Over the coming weeks, I will return to these themes. But, today, I want to focus on the underlying fight I believe we must be prepared to take on after Election Day.

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