Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Organization-First Report goes International

Amazingly, all across the U.S. and in 24 countries and territories people have ordered The Organization-First Approach Report. After 20 years of innovation with communities in the U.S. we are excited by the strong interest and applicability of this report across the globe.

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In the News, Rich's Posts Rich Harwood In the News, Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Office of the Repealer

People’s anger over politics and more continues to envelope the country, and the question is: what should we do with it? One answer comes from U.S. Senator SamBrownback, who is running for governor of Kansas. He’s proposed an “Office of the Repealer,” a new state office to terminate stupid, idiotic, and silly laws and regulations. Why not, right? Well, there’s a better path for us to take.

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In the News, Rich's Posts Rich Harwood In the News, Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Voter Antipathy Rising – Now What?

The Washington Post released a troubling new poll this morning which captures the depth of people’s anger and disgust sweeping the country. Anti-incumbent sentiments have reached an all-time high. But no matter who wins the upcoming primaries in 12 states, the rest of us will have to deal with this antipathy as we try to get things done in our communities. Here’s how.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

A Simple Prayer for Memorial Day

Welcome back from Memorial Day, which always offers us a day of rest from work and eases us into the summer months. But over the years I have found that for many of us there’s little real connection to Memorial Day itself – I know that’s true for me. The meaning of the day somehow gets lost amid cook-outs and busyness. So, today, I offer a simple prayer for Memorial Day to remind us of the day’s importance.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

The Life and Death of Libraries

Across the country, public library systems are being gutted as states and localities slash their budgets. Libraries are an easy target – often seen as non-essential services. But our support of libraries is a test: do we believe communities are important? The truth is that public libraries don’t need to be protected from budget cuts; their budgets need to be expanded. Here’s why.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Woman football coach shows the way

I can imagine many people might be asking why Calvin Coolidge High School in Washington, D.C. named Natalie Randolph, a woman, as their head football coach. But when I read about her, I didn’t wonder why a woman was the head coach, but how the rest of us, of either gender, can be clear on what really matters.

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In the News, Rich's Posts Rich Harwood In the News, Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

The BP Oil Meltdown

Like you, I have been watching the BP oil spill spread across the Gulf Coast. The potential negative effects are beyond imagination. Or, as BP might say, they’re “Beyond Petroleum,” the company’s clever tagline. So, when things go wrong, as they have with BP, I’m wondering: is there a difference between contrition and responsibility?

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Why Relevance = Accountability

Each of us wants our work and efforts in community and public life to be relevant. It’s something I hear everywhere I go. Last week, when hosting the Hands On Network LEAD Summit at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., I found myself saying: to be relevant requires that you are accountable.

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