Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Callous Compassion and Coal Miners

Some 40 years ago, America made a pledge to coal miners to protect them from the dangers from coal mining, chief among them black lung disease. In 1969, a major law was passed, regulators were hired, and monitoring began – except it appears it was all a massive masquerade. This is the kind of mess in public life people want cleaned up.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Giving the presidential campaign a jolt

Where, oh where has the presidential campaign gone in recent weeks, other than into the gutter? To get the discourse on a better trajectory, here’s a simple step for the candidates and their campaigns: over the next week, offer the American people a cogent thought about why they are running and a proposal or idea that helps shed light on where they want the nation to go.

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Wisconsin Recall: Take the Inkblot Test

Wisconsinites vote today on the recall of Governor Scott Walker. The recall provides an inkblot test for us about how we see politics and public life. I’ve laid out four possible options from which to choose – which one best fits your view? And how do these maybe help you to see another point of view?

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Rich's Posts Rich Harwood Rich's Posts Rich Harwood

Memorial Day: Share Your Thoughts

The proper greeting for yesterday was “Happy Memorial Day.” Over the preceding days I said it a few times to neighbors and others, and then stopped. Surely, I want to honor those who died wearing our nation’s uniform. But on this Memorial Day, the word “happy” didn’t quite fit.

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